


(Email:sujinbao@hhu.edu.cn,Tel:13770765407 )























2023-2026 国家自然科学基金,雪峰山构造带形成过程来自梵净山与金佛山剖面年代限制,项目负责人






2018-2019 中央高校基本科研业务,华南断层活动流体过程的同位素限定,项目负责人。

2018-2019 江苏省启东市圆陀角旅游度假区地热工程水资源论证与环境影响评价,项目负责人。

2017-2018 江苏省句容市山湖路北河桥工程防洪评价,项目负责人。

2017-2018 江苏省句容市赤山湖地热工程水资源论证,项目负责人。

2015-2017 中央高校基本科研业务费,江南造山带形成过程研究,项目负责人

2013- 2015 中央高校基本科研业务费,贵州梵净山基底变形与成因机制,项目负责人



2005.5~2007.6 济阳盆地反转构造研究,参加人




1.Su, J., Tan, H., 2022.The genesis of Rare-alkali metal enrichment in the geothermal anomalies controlled by faults and magma along the northern Yadong-Gulu rift.Ore Geology Review, 147,10498,1-12 

2.  Su, J., Tan, H., Feng, Y., Qin, G., 2021.Dating of syn-faulting calcites constraining the Early Cretaceous deformation of the Ningzhen Mountain, eastern China. Journal of Earth Sciences, 32,1485-1495

3.  Su, J., Tan, H., Chen, X., 2020.The groundwater deep circulation and large-scale geothermal deposition in response to the extension of the Yadong–Gulu rift, South Tibet, China.Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2020.106836

4.  Su, J., Rao, W., Wang, Y., Mao, C., 2018. Detrital Zircon Geochronology of the Radial Sand Ridge System of Jiangsu Coast, East China: Implication for Sediment Provenance.Journal of Earth Sciences , 29,144-154

5.  Su, J., Dong, S., Zhang,. et al.,2018, Formation process of mid-Neoproterozoic mafic rocks from the western Jiangnan Orogen, South China: insights from SHRIMP U–Pb dating and geochemical analysis, International Geology Review,60,365-381.

6.  Su, J., Dong, S., Zhang, Y., et al., 2018.Geochronology, geochemistry, and tectonic implications of Jishou Cretaceous diabase, western Xuefengshan tectonic zone in South China. Geological Journal, 53, 1186-1199.

7.  Su, J., Dong, S., Zhang, Y., Li, Y., Chen, X., Ma, L., & Chen, J. 2017. Orogeny processes of the western Jiangnan Orogen, South China: Insights from Neoproterozoic igneous rocks and a deep seismic profile. Journal of Geodynamics,103, 42-56.

8.  Su, J., Dong, S., Zhang, Y., Li, Y., Chen, X., Li, J., ... & Chen, J.2017. Apatite fission track geochronology of the Southern Hunan province across the Shi-Hang Belt: insights into the Cenozoic dynamic topography of South China.International Geology Review, 59,981-995.

9.  Su, J., Zhu, W., Chen, J., Ge, R., Zheng, B., Min, B., 2014. Cenozoic inversion of the East China Sea Shelf Basin: implications for reconstructing Cenozoic tectonics of eastern China. International Geology Review 56, 1541-1555.

10.  Su, J., Zhu, W., Chen, J., Min, B., Zheng, B., 2014. Wide rift model in Bohai Bay Basin: insight into the destruction of the North China Craton. International Geology Review56, 537-554.

11.Su, J., Dong, S., Zhang, Y., Li, Y., Chen, X., Cui, J., 2014. Detrital zircon geochronology of pre-Cretaceous strata: tectonic implications for the Jiangnan Orogen, South China. Geological Magazine, 151 (6), 975-995. DOI:10.1017/S0016756813001003

12.Su, J., Zhang, Y., Dong, S., Chen, X., Li, Y., Cui, J., 2014. Geochronology and Hf isotopes of granite gravel from Fanjingshan, South China: Implication for the precambrian tectonic evolution of western Jiangnan orogen. Journal of Earth Science 25, 619-629.

13.Su, J., Zhu, W., Wei, J., Xu, L., Yang, Y., Wang, Z., Zhang, Z., 2011. Fault growth and linkage: Implications for tectonosedimentary evolution in the Chezhen Basin of Bohai Bay, eastern China. AAPG bulletin95, 1-26.

14.Su, J., Zhu, W., Lu, H., Xu, M., Yang, W., Zhang, Z., 2009. Geometry styles and quantification of inversion structures in the Jiyang depression, Bohai Bay Basin, eastern China. Marine and Petroleum Geology 26, 25-38.

15.Li, L.,Su, J.(作者), Rao, W., & Wang, Y. 2017. Using geochemistry of rare earth elements to indicate sediment provenance of sand ridges in southwestern Yellow Sea. Chinese Geographical Science,27(1), 63-77.

16.Li, Y., Dong, S., Zhang, Y., Li, J., Su, J., & Han, B.2016. Episodic Mesozoic constructional events of central South China: constraints from lines of evidence of superimposed folds, fault kinematic analysis, and magma geochronology. International Geology Review58(9), 1076-1107.

17.Dong, S., Zhang, Y., Gao, R., Su, J., Liu, M., Li, J., 2015. A possible buried Paleoproterozoic collisional orogen beneath central South China: Evidence from seismic-reflection profiling. Precambrian Research 264, 1-10.

18.Li, J., Zhang, Y., Dong, S.,Su, J., Li, Y., Cui, J., Shi, W., 2013. The Hengshan low-angle normal fault zone: Structural and geochronological constraints on the Late Mesozoic crustal extension in South China. Tectonophysics 606, 97-115.

19.Rao, W., Mao, C., Wang, Y., Su, J., Balsam, W., Ji, J., 2015. Geochemical constraints on the provenance of surface sediments of radial sand ridges off the Jiangsu coastal zone, East China. Marine Geology 359, 35-49.

20.Yang, J., Zhu, W., Guan, D., Zhu, B., Yuan, L., Xiang, X., Su, J., Wu, X.2016. 3D seismic interpretation of subsurface eruptive centers in a Permian large igneous province, Tazhong Uplift, central Tarim Basin, NW China. International Journal of Earth Sciences,105(8), 2311-2326.

21.陆艺,苏金宝(通迅作者),谭红兵,许鹏,陈振坤,2019.西藏东南缘地热泉华的地球化学特征和成 因,矿物岩石地球化学通报 38,1197-1208


23.陈进宝, 苏金宝(通迅作者), 陈娟, 杨春光, 曹勇, 2013. 句容赤山湖地热井成井工艺方法. 探矿工程: 岩土钻掘工程 40, 35-38.

24.苏金宝, 董树文, 张岳桥, 李勇, 陈宣华, 崔建军, 张交东, 2014. 川黔湘构造带构造样式及深部动力学制约. 吉林大学学报 (地球科学版) 44, 490-506.

25.苏金宝, 朱文斌, 贾东, 杨彦峰, 王志强, 2011. 伸展断层相关褶皱的几何学分析及其在车镇凹陷中的应用. 地质学报 85, 1563-1573.

26.苏金宝,张岳桥,董树文,李勇,李建华,马收先,崔建军,2013.雪峰山构造带古构造应力场,地球学报 34,671-679.


28.杨伟, 朱文斌, 郭随平, 万景林, 张志勇, 苏金宝, 2008. 鲁西南地区新生代盆山耦合作用的裂变径迹证据. 原子能科学技术 42, 557-560.

29.张岳桥, 董树文, 李建华, 崔建军, 施炜, 苏金宝, 李勇, 2012. 华南中生代大地构造研究新进展. 地球学报 33, 257-279.

30.Zhu WB, Zhang ZY, Shu LS, Wan JL, Lu HF, Wang SL, Yang W and Su JB. Thermotectonic evolution of Precambrian basement rocks in the Kuruktag uplift, NE Tarim craton, NW China: evidence from apatite fission-track data. International Geology Review, 2009, accepted.

31.Zhiyong Zhang, Wenbin Zhu, Liangshu Shu, Jinglin Wan, Wei Yang, Jinbao Su, Bihai Zheng. Thermo-tectonic evolution of Precambrian blueschists in Aksu, Xinjiang, NW China. Gondwana Research, 2009, accepted.

32.Zhiyong Zhang, Wenbin Zhu, Liangshu Shu, Jinbao Su, Bihai Zheng. Neoproterozoic ages of the Kuluketage diabase dyke swarm in Tarim of northwest China and its relationship to the breakup of Rodinia. Geological Magazine, 2009, 146(1): 150-154..

33.Zhu Wenbin, Zhang Zhiyong, Shu Liangshu, Lu Huafu, Su Jinbao, Yang Wei. SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronology of Neoproterozoic Korla mafic dykes in the northern Tarim Block, NW China: Implications for the long-lasting breakup process of Rodinia. Journal of the Geological Society London, 2008, 165(5): 887-890.

34.Zhu WB, Wan JL, Shu LS, Zhang ZY, Su JB, Sun Y, Guo JC, Zhang XY. Late Mesozoic thermotectonic evolution of the Jueluotage Range, Eastern Xinjiang , Northwest China: Evidence from apatite fission track data. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2008, 82(2) :348-357.


36.朱文斌,张志勇,舒良树,万景林,卢华复,王胜利,杨伟,苏金宝. 塔里木北缘前寒武基底隆升剥露史:来自磷灰石裂变径迹的证据. 岩石学报,2007237):1671-1682.



