


(Email:liaogh@hhu.edu.cn   电话:025-83787741)



   1.20072012-06, 中国海洋大学海洋信息探测与处理博士

   2.2001-092004-07, 国家海洋局第二海洋研究所, 物理海洋, 硕士

   3.1997-092001-07, 湖北民族大学, 物理学教育, 本科



  2.2014-122015-12, University of Colifornia, Los, Angeles, Department of Atmospheric & Oceanic  

     Sciences, Visiting scholar

  3.2009-012016-11, 国家海洋局第二海洋研究所卫星海洋环境动力学国家实验室副研究员

  4.2006-012008-12, 国家海洋局第二海洋研究所海洋遥感与数值预测研究中心助理研究员

  5.2004-072006-12, 国家海洋局第二海洋研究所海洋遥感与数值预测研究中心实习研究员









.国家自然科学基金面上项目:海洋中尺度涡演变和物质输运的机理研究, 2021-012024-12, 58.00万元,在研,主持

2.国家重点研发计划:高分辨率海洋模式关键物理过程参数化方案的研发——课题四验证和评估本项目研发的新参数化方案”, 470.00万元,在研, 主持

3.国家自然科学基金面上项目:南海北部内波模态-能量转换与海洋混合过程研究, 84.00万元,结题,主持

4.国家自然科学基金青年基金:沿海海洋声学层析流场反演方法及算法研究, 2007-012010-12, 20.00万元,结题,主持

5.中海油研究总院:海外目标油田开发过程关键技术及方案 西非海域环境资料购买, 118.00万元,结题,主持

6.中海油研究总院:深远海油气资源开发保障平台开发(专题十二)南海海洋环境条件研究(南海中南部油气盆地环境条件参数), 75.00万元,已结题,主持

7.中科院海洋所重点实验室开放基金:基于多源卫星遥感观测的南海北部与吕宋海峡海域中尺度涡特征研究, 2008-012009-12, 2.00万元,结题,主持

8.国家海洋局青年基金,沿海声学层析在我国海洋环境监测中的应用研究, 2007-012008-12, 2.00万元,已结题,主持

9.中海油研究总院:陵水17-2气田群开发可研、ODP研究-深水区、陆坡区风、浪、流全剖面观测研究项目, 870.00万元,结题,参加

10.国家自然科学基金:季风陆地地形诱生的风应力旋度场驱动的南海中尺度涡的动力过程研究, 2005-012005-12, 2.00万元,结题,参加

11.国家自然科学基金国际合作:中日吕宋海峡海流及其变异的合作研究-观测与模式, 2005-012008-12, 90.00万元,已结题,参加

12.科技部973项目热带太平洋印度洋海洋环流及其热输送对全球变暖的响应, 2012-012017-12, 75.00万元,结题,参加

13.科技部973项目南海中尺度涡旋影响海气相互作用的机制, 2011-012015-12, 60.00万元,结题,参加


15.科技部863项目:沿海声层析技术的开发, 2007-012009-12, 100.00万元,结题参加

16.科技部国际合作项目中美印(尼)日南海与邻近海域水交换及其变异合作研究, 2007-012010-12, 196.00万元,结题,参加



1) 获奖

1. 江苏省海洋学会科学技术奖一等奖(排名第一)


1.Liao, Guanghong*; Xu, Xiaohua; Dong, Changming; Cao, Haijin; Wang, Tao;Three-Dimensional Baroclinic Eddies in the Ocean: Evolution, Propagation, Overall Structures, and Angular Models,Journal of Physical Oceanography, 2019, 49(10): 2571-2599.

2.ZhiYin Liu;Guanghong Liao*; XiaoKai Hu; Beifeng Zhou;Aspect ratio of eddies inferred from Argo floats and satellite altimeter data in the ocean,J. Geophys. Res., 2019, 0(0): 0-0.

3.Guanghong Liao; Beifeng Zhou; Chujin Liang*; Huaiyang Zhou; Tao Ding; Yuan Wang; Changming Dong;Moored observation of abyssal flow and temperature near a hydrothermal vent on the Southwest Indian Ridge, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2016, 121(1): 836-860. 

4.Guanghong Liao*; XiaoHuaXu; ChujinLiang; ChangmingDong; BeifengZhou; TaoDing; WeigenHuang; DongfengXu; Analysis of kinematic parameters of Internal Solitary Waves in the Northern South China Sea,Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 2014, 94: 159-172. 

5.Liao, Guanghong; Yuan, Yaochu*; Yang, Chenghao; Chen, Hong; Wang, Huiqun; Huang, Weigen; Current Observations of Internal Tides and Parametric Subharmonic Instability in Luzon Strait,Atmosphere-Ocean, 2012, 50: 59-76. 

6.Liao G H, Yang C H, Xu X H, Shi X G, Yuan Y C, Huang W G. Effects of Mesoscale eddies on the internal solitary wave propagation. Acta Oceanol Sin. 2012, 315, P. 26-40

7.Liao G H, Yuan Y C, Arata K, et al. Analysis of internal tidal characteristics in the layer above 450 m from acoustic Doppler current profiler observations in the Luzon Strait. Sci China Earth Sci, 2011, 54(7): 1078-1094.

8.Liao, G. H., Y. C. Yuan and X. H. Xu (2008): Three Dimensional Diagnostic Study of the Circulation in the South China Sea during Winter 1998. Journal of Oceanography, 64 (5): 803-814

9.Liao, G. H., Y. C. Yuan and X. H. Xu (2007): Diagnostic calculation of the circulation in the South China Sea during the summer 1998. Journal of Oceanography, 63(2): 161-178.

10.Liu X , Liao G , Lu C . Case studies on the parameterization schemes of sea ice fragmentation for ocean waves[J]. Ocean Dynamics, 2020:1-15.

11.Ding, Wenxiang; Liang, Chujin; Liao, Guanghong; Li, Junde; Lin, Feilong; Jin, Weifang; Zhu, Lijuan.(2018)Propagation characteristics of near-inertial waves along the continental shelf in the wake of the 2008 Typhoon Hagupit in the northern South China Sea. Bull Mar Sci.94(4):1293–1311.

12.Junde Li, Chujin Liang, Changming Dong, Weifang Jin, Guanghong Liao, Beifeng Zhou, Tao Ding, Xiaodong Lu Xiangming Zhang (2015): Conversion of Pressure to Depth for Moored Instruments Using a Reference Bottom Mounted Pressure Sensor, Atmosphere-Ocean, 53(4): 377-382. DOI: 10.1080/07055900.2015.1074883

13.Chen, X., Liang, C., Dong, C., Zhou, B., Liao, G., & Li, J. (2015). Multiple-scale temporal variations and fluxes near a hydrothermal vent over the Southwest Indian Ridge.Frontiers of Earth Science,9(4), 691-699. DOI 10.1007/s11707-015-0529-0

14.Xiaofen Wu, Zenghong Liu, Guanghong Liao, Lingjuan Wu ,2015. Variation of Indo-Pacific upper ocean heat content during 2001–2012 revealed by Argo. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 34(5): 29-38.

15.Yuan, Y., Y.-H. Tseng, C. Yang, G. Liao, C.H. Chow, Z. Liu, X.-H. Zhu, and H.Chen (2014), Variation in the Kuroshio intrusion: Modeling and interpretation of observations collected around  the Luzon Strait from July 2009 to March 2011, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 119(6), 3447–3463, doi:10.1002/2013JC009776.

16.Yuan Yaochu, Guanghong Liao, Chenghao Yang, Zenghong Liu, Hong Chen, Zhanggui Wang. Summer Kuroshio Intrusion through the Luzon Strait confirmed from observations and a diagnostic model in summer 2009. Prog. Oceanogr. 2014 (121) 44–59, DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2013.10.003

17.Yang Chenghao, Liao Guanghong*, Yuan Yaochu, Chen Hong, Zhu Xiaohua. 2013. The diel vertical migration of sound scatterers observed by an acoustic Dopple current profiler in the Luzon Strait from July 2009 to April 2011. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 32(11): 1-9.

18.Yaochu Yuan, Guanghong Liao, Chenghao Yang, Zenghong Liu & Hong ChenCurrents in the Luzon Strait obtained from CTD and Argo observations and a diagnostic model in October 2008, Atmosphere-Ocean, Vol. 50, 27-39,

19.Yaochu Yuan, Guanghong Liao, Arata Kaneko, Chenghao Yang, Xiao-Hua ZhuHong Chen, Noriaki Gohda, Naokazu Taniguchi, Masanori Minamidate 2012Currents in the Luzon Strait obtained from moored ADCP observations and a diagnostic calculation of circulation in spring 2008.Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans. 58, 20-43.

20.Huiqun Wang, Yaochu Yuan, Weibing Guan, Chenghao Yang, Guang-hong Liao, Zheny Cao2012Circulationaround theLuzon Straitin September as inferred from CTD, Argos andArgo measurements and a generalized topography-following. Atmosphere-Ocean, Vol.50.

21.Taniguchi, N., Arata Kaneko,Yaochu Yuan,Noriaki Gohda,Hong Chen, Guanghong Liao,Chenghao Yang,Masanori Minamidate,Yudi Adityawarman, Xiaohua Zhu,and Ju Lin. (2010), Long-term acoustic tomography measurement of ocean currents at the northern part of the Luzon Strait, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L07601, doi:10.1029/2009GL042327.

22.Yaochu Yuan, Guanghong Liao, Chenghao Yang (2009):A diagnostic calculation of the circulation in the upper and middle layers of the Luzon Straitand the northern South China Seaduring March 1992. Dyn. Atmos. Oceans, 2009, 47(1): 86-113.

23.Yuan YaoChu, Liao Guang Hong, Wang HuiQun, Lou RuYun, Chen Hong (2009):Variability of the currents in the Luzon Strait during spring of 2002 obtained from observations and satellite geostrophic currents and spectral analyses. Science in China (Series D), Vol (29)4,519-534.

24.Yuan Y. C., G. H. Liao and C. H. Yang (2008): The Kuroshio near the Luzon Strait and circulation in the northern South China Sea during August and September 1994. Journal of Oceanography, 64 (5): 777-788.

25.Yuan Y. C., G. H. Liao, W. B. Guan, H.Q. Wang, R. Y. Lou and H. Chen (2008): The circulation in the upper and middle layers of the Luzon Strait during spring 2002. J Geophys.Res, 113, C06004, doi:10.1029/2007JC004546.

26.Yuan Y. C., G. H. Liao and X. H. Xu (2007) Three dimensional diagnostic modeling study of the South China Sea circulation before onset of summer monsoon in 1998. Journal of Oceanography, 63(1): 77-100.

27.Wang H., Y. Yuan, W. Guan, C. Liang, R. Lou, G. Liao, and K. Wang (2006), Reply to comment by L. Li and R. Wu on “Circulation in the South China Sea during summer 2000 as obtained from observations and a generalized topography-following ocean model”, J. Geophys. Res., 111, C03008, doi: 10.1029/2005JC002932.

28.Yuan Yao-chu , Liu Yonggang, Liao Guang-hong.et al. Calculation of circulation in the South China Sea during the summer of 2000 by the modified inverse method. Acta Oceanographica Sinica2005Vol.2411430.

29.YUAN Yao-chu , BU Xian-wei, LIAO Guang-hong .et al. Diagnostic calculation of the upper-layer circulation in the South China Sea during the winter of 1998. Acta Oceanographica Sinica,2004, Vol.23, No. 2,187-199.


31.牛凡,王涛,廖光洪*.基于CMIP5 模式与Argo 观测数据的海洋有效重力势能分析.海洋学报,2020,42(5):65-76.

32.周霄雯, 曹海锦, 经志友, 廖光洪. 基于高分辨ROMS模式的黑潮延伸体次中尺度涡各向异性析分[J]. 热带海洋学报, 2020, 39(3): 10-18.


34.丁文祥,梁楚进,廖光洪*,高立宝,南极普里兹湾海域湍流扩散系数估计,海洋学研究,201735(1), 14-24.

35.朱泽南,朱小华,张传正廖光洪宣基亮龙钰马云龙赵瑞祥贺治国张涛章向明.2015.三门湾沿海声层析潮流观测实验.地球物理学报,58(5): 1742-1753.


37.徐晓华廖光洪*, 杨成浩袁耀初黄韦艮,应用GHSOM网络分析南海北部表层环流模态与黑潮入侵,热带海洋学报, 2013, 32 (5): 1-13.


39.罗锋,廖光洪;,盛建明,杨成浩,乐清湾海洋环境季节特征及水交换过程研究。水资源保护,285),48-51. 2012.


41.廖光洪,袁耀初,Kaneko Arata, 杨成浩陈洪, Taniguchi Naokazu, Gohda Noriaki, Masanori  Minamidate,(2011),吕宋海峡ADCP观测的450 m以浅水层内潮特征分析研究,中国科学(地球科学)41(1),124-140.


43.廖光洪,朱小华,林巨,郑红,梁楚进,陶剑峰,杨成浩,(2010), 海洋声层析观测技术和方法,海洋学报,32(3),14-22.


45.朱小华郑红廖光洪梁楚进2010沿海声层析仪的设计与实现哈尔滨工程大学学报, 2010(1), 64-68.(EI)

46.袁耀初廖光洪王惠群楼如云陈洪,采用观测与卫星资料得到的地转流和谱分析研究2002年春季吕宋海峡海流的变化。中国科学 D:地球科学 2009393)期: 370 ~ 381.

47.廖光洪,朱小华,杨成浩,徐晓华,(2009): 基于声传播时间的二维流场反演数值仿真研究。海洋学报,28(2),8-16.

48.廖光洪,朱小华,林巨,郑红,梁楚进,海洋声层析应用与观测研究综述,地球物理学进展,2008Vol.23, No.6, 1782-1790.


50.廖光洪,袁耀初,1998年夏季南海环流的三维结构,海洋学报,2006Vol.28,No.5, 15-25

51.袁耀初,廖光洪,1998年夏季南海夏季风爆发前环流的三维海流诊断计算的研究,海洋学报,2006Vol.28, No.5, 1-14.










1.廖光洪,杨成浩,张关强,一种自动脱钩装置,专利号ZL 2019 2 2456525.7, 中华人民共和国国家知识产权局.

2.朱小华,郑红,廖光洪,梁楚进,一种声学测流装置与方法,2010.12.08 ,(专利号:ZL200810062069.1).中华人民共和国国家知识产权局.


4.丁涛、周蓓锋、李俊德、梁楚进、冯子旻、张敏强、金魏芳、廖光洪、曾建武、李灵波   ,一种海洋浮标(专利号:CN201310440451.2),中华人民共和国国家知识产权局.





